Monday, December 27, 2010

Black Rice

Black rice is considered now to be a superfood. The natural healing power and goodness of black rice has been very well noted in modern times. Loaded with antioxidants, Vitamin E, Fiber, and valuable anti-inflammatory properties, this special rice is truly remarkable in its abilities. In ancient China Black Rice was set aside specifically for the Emperor and / or the royal family, regular people weren’t allowed anywhere near the stuff. Much has been written recently about the studies linking antioxidants to anti-aging. What’s really incredible about Black Rice is the fact that it contains even more antioxidants (per serving) than blueberries; which are famous for their anti-aging properties.

Black rice seems to be helpful in healing following diseases.
  • prevention of cancer
  • prevention of diabetes
  • prevention of heart disease
  • prevention of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Prevention of Heart Attacks